domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Big Bang

It is amazing to see how Sophie and Alberto's actions affect Hilde's and her fathers'. First when Sophie hit her, and then when Hidle and her father wanted to go in a boat ride and the boat was untied. I believe that this is an example on how time travels, as well as when the Hilde's father was telling her how fast time traveled, but due to the long distances, things might seem to be 4 hours in the past when they are really at the same time. This helps with the closing of the novel because it helps explain how everything happened, especially when looking that Sophie and Alberto's life was not real in human life, but it was in fairy tale life. Also, in Sophie and Alberto's escape, at the cards that Albert was finding can clearly represent this. This is because they might have been living as stargazers of the other's life and knowing everything that would happen in advanced.

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

Marx Blog

1. Marx's Bases of society: It consists of three levels:
- The most basic level is society's conditions of production, which are the natural conditions and resources that are available to society. These are the foundations of any society and determine the type of production in a society.
- The second level is the society's means of production. This consists of the various types of equipment, tool, and machinery, as well as the raw materials to be found in each society.
- The third level is society's production relations. This is mainly those who own the means of production, the division of labor, and the distribution of work and ownership.


- society's conditions of production:

- society's means of production:

- society's production relations:

3. In picture 1: it can be seen how a river, as a natural resource, passes though all the plantations. it is most likely, that the river is used as a source of watering the plants. Plantations by rivers are always successful.

In picture 2: it can be seen, how the machine is used to cultivate and move the plants. The planting is done on a river, so special equipment is needed to pick-up the plants.

In picture 3: it can clearly be seen that the man standing on the front and it well dressed it the owner of that hacienda, and is looking out at the jobs of the people that is working for him.

4. Marx's Basis of Society can be compared to several areas of knowledge. For example, it can be compared to Ethics. It is important to mention that not every society has the same rules and norms. It might be that in a society, what Marx calls production relations is not of the important basis of a society. Workers are much more important that the group that owns a plantation, for instance, because is their work that helps the production and external relations of it. Another area of knowledge that can be related to Marx's idea is History. Marx's idea was used in history to show how life in society was represented, and which were the basis of it. For example, in Brazil, while the cacao and oil plantations in the slavery period, rivers as a natural resource were highly needed to provide water for the plants. Oil was gotten from palm trees, which most of the time laid in costal areas, which were close to large bodies of water, which not only provided water for them, but also was the cause of the large percentages of precipitation which created longer periods of rain, which leads to a faster production of products.


domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Descartes Blog

1. I agree with Descartes' statement because I believe that we cannot believe something unless we actually see it with our own eyes. If a person just believes it, then there is a big chance that they might be tricked and that it is not true.

2. I can connect this idea with History. In my opinion, most of things that happened in history, especially those that happened LONG ago are hard to believe. Some ideas of how and why they happened might exist, but for some on them, not even photographs are provided. It is hard to believe something that has no proof, especially something that you did not witness with your own eyes.
Also, this philosophy can be connected to Natural Sciences. While doing experiments and research, it is important to always see what is happening by yourself. For example, while testing something, it is important to always see what is happening and what the effects of what you are testing are with your own eyes. In order to do an accurate lab report, accurate and reliable information must be placed, involving you as an individual looking personally at what is happening and recording it, otherwise, the lab is not reliable.


For example, dinosaurs. There is no video or photograph that dinosaurs existed. Yes there are fossils of their bone structure, but it is impossible to know it they are really in appearance as they are showed in movies and documental. With this video, we can see you there creatures have been computerized and animated so people can have an IDEA of what they might have looked like and how their environment was, but there will never be a way to find out how this creatures looked liked and how they acted. So you cannot really believe something, unless you really see it.

By this we can see the cycle on which a person observes, and what the responses to the stimulus are. This means that it is very important to observe, especially in professional lab activity, for example working on developing a new medicine. It is very important to observe how this is done and what the effects are clearly in order to re do it, or to repair what has been done badly.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Aristotle Post

1. Aristotle's idea of the Ethics.

2. I believe that this is something that Aristotle explains to be from a single person, and explains ideas that each individual should have to live a good life according to him. This belief that Aristotle have best compares to the Area of Knowledge of the Human Sciences. Human Science describes an individual and its inner thoughts and ideas, and everything that has to do with the mind, this idea of Ethics that this philosopher explained that there were certain ways for a person to gain happiness, through pleasure, responsibility and through philosophy. This are things that each and every individual perceives differently as they believe is the best for them, by doing different way to accomplish it, and this is why it might relate better to the Human Sciences than to Ethics.

3. This idea can be represented trough the global issue if child prostitution. This children are not only affected physically but most importantly mentally, because all of the unnecessary suffering and images they are perceiving in a young life. This is why this is part of the Human Sciences. Also, Aristotle's ethics come to hand at this point since people according to him, people's ethics where gained through each individuals own capacities and own abilities to become happy, and that there were three ways to achieve this happiness, which are: happiness of pleasure and enjoyment, happiness of a FREE life, and also thinking as a philosopher. This three ideas are completely rejected since the moment that a kid is taken into this horrible business. Their happiness is taken away, and there is no way that they can achieve things though their abilities and capacities since they are tied into a closed world, where nothing seems to be a reality for them. The happiness and removed, and therefore, it is impossible for Aristotle's ideas of Ethics to become a reality and a part of their lives.

4. a)



domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Art Post


2. -intention of the artist: The intention of the artist in the artwork is to let the audience know that a battle was successfully won and over. The flag is raised, people are celebrating and a last man is laying dead on the floor.
-quitlity of work: Personally I think that this artwork is of good quality since the massage was successfully captured. It is a painting which includes great detail.
-response of the audience: I believe what I see on the piece of artwork. I can see that some battle has been won, and might have been won successfully since there are many man standing and celebrating. The winners might have been americans since a US flag is being grabbed by one of the men.

3. -imitation: This may be an imitation since it is representing something that really happened. It is trying to imitate certain event for future recalling.
-communication: This is definitely communicating people about an event, and they want to let know what was the event's outcome. In this case it was successful. Also they wanted to communicate to the people the situation on which the "war" ended on by watching at the elements the painter used.
-education: It is education because it is describing an important success in the US history. Also by viewing at the flags, people can learn who were the ones involved in the fight.


domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Human Sciences Post

Nanotech Robots Deploy Cancer-Fighting RNA

1- This was an experiment made to help people with cancerous diseases and like tumors. In order to control such problems, special RNA molecules, with a chemical sensor, were placed inside a polymer robot. They were placed in strategic places were the senses were fragile, permitting the robot to release RNA when a group of cancerous cells started to approach the chemical sensor.

2- This experiment was practiced on three different people suffering from melanomas. These people received RNA nano-particles through the veins 4 times, for 30 minutes, for a total of 3 weeks. When the trial finished, samples were taken from each participant, and it could be seen that both, the tumor had reduced its size, and a greater presence of RNA could be seen.

3- The outcome is that is could be a technique used to help with patients suffering from cancer, by reducing the sizes of their tumors and permitting the presence of more RNA molecules. It tells us about humans that and veridic experiment could be done, having a successful outcome, and even more, helping to save other people's lives.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Ethics Blog


-Child prostitution is on the rise not just in other countries around the world, but right here in America. The Department of Justice says, on any given day, tens of thousands of children across America are involved in prostitution.

-Prostitution is currently a contentious issue in India. In 2007, the Ministry of Women and Child Development reported the presence of 2.8 million sex workers in India, with 35.47 percent of them entering the trade before the age of 18 years.

-Child prostitutes available at $100 a night: the human cost of junta's repression:
This is a side of life the Burmese military junta might prefer you did not see: girls who appear to be 13 and 14 years old paraded in front of customers at a nightclub where a beauty contest thinly veils child prostitution. Tottering in stiletto heels and miniskirts, young teenage girls criss-crossed the dance-floor as part of a nightly "modelling" show at the Asia Entertainment City nightclub on a recent evening in Rangoon.

I personally believe that this is something, like child marriage, that is completely against the human rights, especially those of women. First of all, girls wound not be in these situations in an education was presented to them, so governments should first focus in providing an education, so money can later be raised, then in this, because if serves as a employment for many of these girls.