2. I believe that this is something that Aristotle explains to be from a single person, and explains ideas that each individual should have to live a good life according to him. This belief that Aristotle have best compares to the Area of Knowledge of the Human Sciences. Human Science describes an individual and its inner thoughts and ideas, and everything that has to do with the mind, this idea of Ethics that this philosopher explained that there were certain ways for a person to gain happiness, through pleasure, responsibility and through philosophy. This are things that each and every individual perceives differently as they believe is the best for them, by doing different way to accomplish it, and this is why it might relate better to the Human Sciences than to Ethics.
3. This idea can be represented trough the global issue if child prostitution. This children are not only affected physically but most importantly mentally, because all of the unnecessary suffering and images they are perceiving in a young life. This is why this is part of the Human Sciences. Also, Aristotle's ethics come to hand at this point since people according to him, people's ethics where gained through each individuals own capacities and own abilities to become happy, and that there were three ways to achieve this happiness, which are: happiness of pleasure and enjoyment, happiness of a FREE life, and also thinking as a philosopher. This three ideas are completely rejected since the moment that a kid is taken into this horrible business. Their happiness is taken away, and there is no way that they can achieve things though their abilities and capacities since they are tied into a closed world, where nothing seems to be a reality for them. The happiness and removed, and therefore, it is impossible for Aristotle's ideas of Ethics to become a reality and a part of their lives.
4. a)



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