1- This was an experiment made to help people with cancerous diseases and like tumors. In order to control such problems, special RNA molecules, with a chemical sensor, were placed inside a polymer robot. They were placed in strategic places were the senses were fragile, permitting the robot to release RNA when a group of cancerous cells started to approach the chemical sensor.
2- This experiment was practiced on three different people suffering from melanomas. These people received RNA nano-particles through the veins 4 times, for 30 minutes, for a total of 3 weeks. When the trial finished, samples were taken from each participant, and it could be seen that both, the tumor had reduced its size, and a greater presence of RNA could be seen.
3- The outcome is that is could be a technique used to help with patients suffering from cancer, by reducing the sizes of their tumors and permitting the presence of more RNA molecules. It tells us about humans that and veridic experiment could be done, having a successful outcome, and even more, helping to save other people's lives.

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