domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Human Sciences Post

Nanotech Robots Deploy Cancer-Fighting RNA

1- This was an experiment made to help people with cancerous diseases and like tumors. In order to control such problems, special RNA molecules, with a chemical sensor, were placed inside a polymer robot. They were placed in strategic places were the senses were fragile, permitting the robot to release RNA when a group of cancerous cells started to approach the chemical sensor.

2- This experiment was practiced on three different people suffering from melanomas. These people received RNA nano-particles through the veins 4 times, for 30 minutes, for a total of 3 weeks. When the trial finished, samples were taken from each participant, and it could be seen that both, the tumor had reduced its size, and a greater presence of RNA could be seen.

3- The outcome is that is could be a technique used to help with patients suffering from cancer, by reducing the sizes of their tumors and permitting the presence of more RNA molecules. It tells us about humans that and veridic experiment could be done, having a successful outcome, and even more, helping to save other people's lives.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Ethics Blog


-Child prostitution is on the rise not just in other countries around the world, but right here in America. The Department of Justice says, on any given day, tens of thousands of children across America are involved in prostitution.

-Prostitution is currently a contentious issue in India. In 2007, the Ministry of Women and Child Development reported the presence of 2.8 million sex workers in India, with 35.47 percent of them entering the trade before the age of 18 years.

-Child prostitutes available at $100 a night: the human cost of junta's repression:
This is a side of life the Burmese military junta might prefer you did not see: girls who appear to be 13 and 14 years old paraded in front of customers at a nightclub where a beauty contest thinly veils child prostitution. Tottering in stiletto heels and miniskirts, young teenage girls criss-crossed the dance-floor as part of a nightly "modelling" show at the Asia Entertainment City nightclub on a recent evening in Rangoon.

I personally believe that this is something, like child marriage, that is completely against the human rights, especially those of women. First of all, girls wound not be in these situations in an education was presented to them, so governments should first focus in providing an education, so money can later be raised, then in this, because if serves as a employment for many of these girls.