domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

TOK IB Assessment Blog

Topic: “Doubt is the key to knowledge” (Persian Proverb). To what extent is this true in two areas of

Opinion: In History and in Natural Sciences, doubt has become the key to knew findings, which influence knowledge.

Support #1:

During the period of Christopher Columbus, the theory that the Earth was flat was still going around, so sailors were afraid to sail more than what they simply saw with their eyes (the horizon). This had the doubt to to see if they could find a shorter way in going to India, and when sailing for this they got to what is now known America. Doubt encouraged them to keep looking, and took them to a new world, which influenced in a huge extent to knowledge in the previous days.

Support #2:

The Chicxulub Crater

After paleontologists discovered fossils of prehistoric dinosaurs, a huge doubt grew on the reptiles' disappearance, and they knew that there was a cause for it. Geologists then decided to study the soil to see if they could come up with an answer to their question. They finally did, and by this idea, we can see how doubt has again helped achieve better knowledge on the Natural Sciences.

Support #1:
Support #2:

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