2. -intention of the artist: The intention of the artist in the artwork is to let the audience know that a battle was successfully won and over. The flag is raised, people are celebrating and a last man is laying dead on the floor.
-quitlity of work: Personally I think that this artwork is of good quality since the massage was successfully captured. It is a painting which includes great detail.
-response of the audience: I believe what I see on the piece of artwork. I can see that some battle has been won, and might have been won successfully since there are many man standing and celebrating. The winners might have been americans since a US flag is being grabbed by one of the men.
3. -imitation: This may be an imitation since it is representing something that really happened. It is trying to imitate certain event for future recalling.
-communication: This is definitely communicating people about an event, and they want to let know what was the event's outcome. In this case it was successful. Also they wanted to communicate to the people the situation on which the "war" ended on by watching at the elements the painter used.
-education: It is education because it is describing an important success in the US history. Also by viewing at the flags, people can learn who were the ones involved in the fight.
4. http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/thumbnail/189211/1/Sheridans-Famous-Ride-At-The-Battle-Of-Cedar-Creek-Virginia-In-1864.jpg